The Lapstone & Hammer Charity Fundraiser is officially in the books, and we are proud to say it was a rousing success! Because of YOUR participation in joining us on our mission to Harness The Hype, we were able to raise $19,739!!! This generous donation that United Way will provide to Add B. Anderson School and Bayard Middle School will help with much needed funding for programs essential to the development of their students.

We want to sincerely thank everyone who helped to spread the word, donated and provided such positive feedback during this initiative. The ability to help our community is very important to us and key to our brand ethos. It is absolutely amazing to see our community come together to support this fundraiser. We are truly humbled by the outpouring of love and support for this campaign. Thanks again to everyone who participated, Jordan Brand for their continued support, and especially to United Way for joining us on this mission. Together we can, have and will make a difference!